United German American Society of Florida

A people without the knowledge of their past history,
origin and culture is like a tree without roots.
— Marcus Garvey

Welcome to the German American Society of Florida

Who We Are

  German American Society of Florida (UGASF) is an Umbrella Society uniting German-American Clubs in the State of Florida into one Society.

Our History 

   During the early years of the 1980s, Gerda Des Jardin of the Pinellas Park club proposed the idea of founding an umbrella organization encompassing all of the German-American Clubs of Florida. At the time .. Read More..


Our Goal

   The goal of this Society is to preserve and further promote German customs and traditions by unifying member German-American organizations in the State of Florida, by improving communications and cooperation between member organizations and by participating in the representation on the State and National levels.

From The Desk of Kurt Freiter
President United German American Society
of Florida     Here